Marketing and Business Development Services

BC Wood can assist you in getting government funding to cover 40% to 75% of your marketing and business development. This funding is available to BC’s value-added wood products industry to assist you with creating new marketing strategies, developing / revamping your branding and brand strategies, sales coaching, training for all aspects of business and marketing, etc. You do not need to be a BC Wood member to access this financial assistance. This cost-share funding is available in the following categories:

To find out more about any of these offerings, please contact Rumin Mann at or 604-882-7100.

Marketing and Business Development Assessments: funding covers 75% of the fee

Funding covers 75% of the cost of the assessment. Assessment total cost cap is at $4000, with funding covering 75%, your cost would be $1000 or lower. You can go with any consultant of your choice. We do have a list of recommended consultants that we can share with you.


A Marketing Assessment reviews and evaluates all marketing activities your company has participated in and provides recommendations for fine-tuning your strategy to achieve your business goals.


You will receive a comprehensive summary report that identifies each marketing activity, recommended changes or improvements, and new marketing activities that should be considered. Alongside the report, you will receive recommendations on how to accelerate your marketing strategy, as well as how to strengthen and improve your overall brand and messaging to further set you apart from competitors and achieve your desired business goals.


Business Development assessments follow a similar path in identifying gaps that prevent a company from growing due to a lack of knowledge regarding proper accounting practices, human resource/employee issues, strategic planning, succession planning, cost-analysis, overhead and capital investments. There will also be a review of the business plan. Once the data has been collected and reviewed, areas of need become apparent and will often lead to the next step of requesting a company specific project.


  • Expert marketing or business development advice at a fraction of the cost.
  • A concise, easy-to-follow guide for improving your business.
  • New ideas and ways to stretch your dollars.

VALUE: $3000


Company Specific Projects: funding covers 40% of the fee

This funding is available to BC’s value-added wood products industry. You do not need to be a BC Wood member to access this financial assistance. The goal of company projects is to build your internal capacity by giving you the tools required to improve your skills – and essentially do it yourself.

Cost-share funding is available and covers up to 40% of the approved project’s total cost. Company project total cost is capped at $20,000, of this, funding would cover $8000 and you would have to pay $12,000.


Company specific projects use the information gained from assessments to help improve competitiveness, address gaps, and strengthen your company’s supply chain. With this help, you will learn to more efficiently manage your business and market your product in a more professional and effective manner: ultimately growing your company.


  • Leadership and management training
  • Sales coaching
  • Creating a social media strategy
  • Creating a marketing strategy to enter a new market or a new product line
  • Video production training
  • SEO training
  • Content creation
  • Assistance with developing a business plan
  • Branding
  • Business diagnostics
  • HR or accounting related training/coaching

VALUE: Up to $20,000

YOUR COST: $12,000 or lower