Dave Farley

A few comments, suggestions, and ideas for the industry…

This past week, BC Wood organized and delivered the 4th annual Product Knowledge Workshops in the Pacific Northwest. Five member companies participated in the three-day event in the key markets of Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland. The premise of the workshops is to connect BC Industry to the architectural community working throughout the Pacific Northwest. Member companies delivered a coordinated series of educational seminars and Lunch and Learns to over 70 architects and specifiers in these three centres.

The events were well attended and received and provided members the opportunity to educate potential buyers on the benefits of working with BC manufacturers. Of interest is the sales approach of members at these events. Selling to the architect is different than selling to a builder or distributor. The more successful presentations had two things in common: they inspired and they provided solutions. Inspiration came through a well-thought-out educational narrative via high-quality visual images showcasing the product in a variety of applications. Providing solutions came through focusing on a few projects that highlighted the members’ products in a real-world application. Presenting to a knowledgeable and educated group such as architects is not easy and takes considerable forethought and practice. The end result should lead to increased opportunity and sales for member companies.

Overall, the Product Knowledge Workshops were successful in connecting BC Industry to key buyers and decision makers in the Pacific Northwest.

If you are interested in participating in these types of events in the next year, please feel free to contact me at dfarley@bcwood.com.